Gemma Coma-Alabert, a voice that seduces and inspires.

Opera Internacional

Gemma Coma-Alabert was formidable, subtle and expressive.

La Vanguardia

Gemma Coma-Alabert, with very powerful musicality, promises a career with golden letters.

El Periódico

Gemma Coma-Alabert, a powerful mezzo-soprano, did a refined job both in terms of vocals and characterization.

New York Times

“…a voice that seduces and inspires…”

Born in Girona, Catalonia, Gemma Coma-Alabert was awarded the 1st prize at the National Conservatory of Paris and continued her training at the Guildhall School of Music in London and the National Opera of Lyon.

In the opera field, she has played roles such as Carmen, Ottavia (Poppea), Suzuki (Madama Butterfly), Dorabella (Cosi fan tutte), Isaura (Tancredi) and Teresa (La Sonnambula). She has sung at the Liceu in Barcelona, the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, the Bilbao Opera, the Oviedo Opera, the Montpellier National Opera, the Champs Elysees Theater in Paris and the Teatro Real in Madrid, among others.En el camp operístic, ha interpretat papers com Carmen, Ottavia (Poppea), Suzuki (Madama Butterfly), Dorabella (Cosi fan tutte), Isaura (Tancredi) i Teresa (La Sonnambula). Ha cantat al Liceu de Barcelona, al Palau de les Arts de València, a l’Òpera de Bilbao, a l’Òpera d’Oviedo, a l’Òpera Nacional de Montpellier, al Teatre dels Camps Elisis de París i al Teatro Real de Madrid, entre d’altres.

Her most recent symphonic vocal repertoire includes Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Schumann’s Szenen aus Goethes Faust, Pau Casals’ El Pessebre, Manuel de Falla’s L’Atlantida, Mahler’s Eighth Symphony and Dante by Enric Granados. She has sung with orchestras such as the Montpellier National Orchestra, the Barcelona Liceu Orchestra and the Barcelona and National Symphony Orchestra of Catalonia, among others.

Ms. Coma-Alabert has worked with conductors including Ivor Bolton, Harry Bicket, Fabio Biondi, Ottavio Dantone, Stéphane Denève, Pablo Gonzáles, Lawrence Foster, Zubin Mehta, Josep Pons, Antoni RosMarbà, Robert Spano, and stage managers such as Peter Brook, Claus Guth, Laurent Pelly, Krzysztof Warlikowski and Barrie Kosky.Ha treballat amb directors com Ivor Bolton, Harry Bicket, Fabio Biondi, Ottavio Dantone, Stéphane Denève, Pablo Gonzáles, Lawrence Foster, Zubin Mehta, Josep Pons, Antoni RosMarbà, Robert Spano, i directors d’escena com Peter Brook, Claus Guth, Laurent Pelly, Krzysztof Warlikowski i Barrie Kosky.

As Selysette a Dukas’ Ariane et Barbe-leue (Liceu Barcelona – Opus Arte DVD)



Gemma Coma-Alabert, a powerful mezzo-soprano, did a refined job both in terms of vocals and characterization.

New York Times


Gemma Coma-Alabert – a voice that seduces and excites.

Opera Internacional


Gemma Coma-Alabert, with very powerful musicality, is a singer destined for a golden career.

El Periódico


Gemma Coma-Alabert was formidable, subtle and expressive.

La Vanguardia